Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 20

Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 20

Hello and welcome to the Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 20.


1.  Blog Posts

In case you have missed any of my posts, here is the list of articles we published this week.

    1. Spring Boot Interview Questions
    2. Standalone Application Using Spring Boot
    3. Period and Duration in Java


2. Spring & Java Community

  1. Testing auto-configurations with Spring Boot 2.0
  2. Upgrading to Spring Boot 2
  3. Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker using Netflix Hystrix
  4. How to Make a Deep Copy of an Object in Java
  5. Java 11 Will Include More Than Just Features
  6. Git essentials: Get started with Git version control
  7. 5 Annotations Every Java Developer Should Know
  8. Parallel Full GC for G1


3. JPA / Persistence

I do not work very closely in JPA or Hibernate but following few of the blogs for some of the interesting insight into Persistence 

  1. Top 10 SQL Dialect Emulations Implemented in jOOQ
  2. How to use Hibernate-specific features without sacrificing portability
  3. Hibernate & jOOQ – A Match Made in Heaven


4. Spring and Java Releases

  1. Spring Security SAML 1.0.4 Released
  2. Hibernate Validator 6.0.8.Final released
  3. Spring Security OAuth 2.3.0 Released
  4. IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 Release Candidate is here!


5. Presentations and Videos

  1. Live Webinar: Java 10 and IntelliJ IDEA
  2. Spring Tips: Circuit Breakers


We will be back with our next weekly newsletter with some more insight details about Java and Spring community.

Happy coding and Have a great day !!!!


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