Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 28

Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 28

Hello and welcome to the Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 28.


1.  Blog Posts

In case you have missed any of my posts, here is the list of articles we published this week.

    • What are Microservices  [Introduction to the microservices? What are microservices? Learn about the different feature and challenges while working on the microservices.]
    • Configuring MySQL for Spring Boot Application  [A step by step guide to configure MySQL for Spring Boot application. Learn how to override default datasource configurations provided by Spring Boot to use MySQL as the underlying database.]


2. Spring & Java Community


3. JPA / Persistence

I do not work very closely in JPA or Hibernate but following few of the blogs for some of the interesting insight into Persistence 


4. Spring and Java Releases


5. Presentations and Videos

  • Spring Tips: Project Riff and Spring Cloud Function [Look at Spring Cloud Function (which lets you write serverless functions that run on your favorite function-as-a-service provider) and Project Riff, the new open-source function-as-a-service platform from Pivotal. ]
  • Micrometer: It’s SLF4J—but for Metrics! Webinar   [Micrometer is an open source metrics collection facade, the default metrics implementation in Spring Boot 2.0 and above. Think SLF4J—but for metrics! In this talk, we’ll examine why you should be instrumenting your applications with a dimensional collector like Micrometer.]


We will be back with our next weekly newsletter with some more insight details about Java and Spring community.

Happy coding and Have a great day !!!!


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